iczytam - Portal najmłodszych czytelników
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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Franciszka Arnsztajnowa

A classic nursery story by acclaimed early 20-th century poet Franciszka Arnsztajnowa, illustrated by well-known artist Zbigniew Lengren in 1968. An excellent modern translation by Antonia Lloyd-Jones.
Inside: Activities relating to the story. Read, colour, draw, guess, exercise your 
memory and powers of perception.
Cena 12.50 PLN
Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Franciszka Arnsztajnowa

Funny adventures of a little girl who lost her way in the forest.
A classic nursery story by acclaimed early 20-th century poet Franciszka Arnsztajnowa, illustrated by well-known artist Zbigniew Lengren in 1968. An excellent modern translation by Antonia Lloyd-Jones.
Cena 19.00 PLN
The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

Hans Christian Andersen

One of the most beautiful and moving stories of children’s literature. The classic fairy tale of all time. New impressive illustrations by talented Diana Karpowicz. Inside: Activities relating to the story. Read, colour, draw, guess, exercise your memory.
Cena 15.00 PLN
The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

Hans Christian Andersen

One of the most beautiful and moving stories of children’s literature. The classic fairy tale of all time. New impressive illustrations by talented Diana Karpowicz.


Cena 19.00 PLN
The Elephant\'s Child

The Elephant\'s Child

Rudyard Kipling

Why do elephants need their trunks? Have they always had it? You can find answers to these and other questions through reading Rudyard Kipling’s fairy-tale, published in a new beautiful edition illustrated by famous Józef Wilkoń,
Inside: Activities relating to the story.
Read, colour, draw, guess, exercise your memory.
Cena 15.00 PLN
The Elephant\'s Child

The Elephant\'s Child

Rudyard Kipling

Why do elephants need their trunks? Have they always had it? You can find answers to these and other questions through reading Rudyard Kipling’s fairy-tale, illustrated by Józef Wilkoń.
Cena 19.00 PLN
Chory Kotek/The Sick Kitten

Chory Kotek/The Sick Kitten

Stanisław Jachowicz

Popularna od pokoleń bajka Stanisława Jachowicza - pioniera polskiej literatury dla dzieci.
Doskonały  przekład Antonii Lloyd Jones. Zabawne ilustracje Ludwiki Micińskiej. Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych polskiej i angielskiej. Ilustracje do tekstu angielskiego można samodzielnie pokolorować.
Cena 15.00 PLN

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